Sustainability and Environmental, Social & Governance
NanoTerraTech is developing its products, technology, business practices and ESG Sustainability Strategy to be a Net Zero, Climate Positive company from the outset. Our Sustainability Strategy is using SASB and the GRI frameworks with the guidance of our in-house ISSP Sustainability Professional

United Nation Sustainable Development Goals
We’re honored to partner with CSETS. Proudly serving 19 First Nations and 3 Friendship Centres on Southern Vancouver Island. CSETS mandate is to develop programs and supports to meet training and employment needs. They are a representative, accountable and responsible to all Indigenous peoples on South Vancouver Island, with the objective of being recognized as a major contributor to the current and future labor force. They do this by identifying and entering into diverse partnerships and funding arrangements for the management and delivery of programs to all members of the Coast Salish Employment & Training Society communities.Together we will be developing new jobs and building relationships and enhancing the socioeconomic environment with our neighbour.
We are working collaboratively with The BC Ministry of Forests (FOR) who is responsible for the stewardship of BC’s Provincial Crown land and natural resources. FOR is committed to supporting BC’s forest sector and the development of a forest bioeconomy. The Innovation, Bioeconomy and Indigenous Opportunities (IBIO) Branch has been actively seeking collaborative opportunities in developing and commercializing high-value bioproducts, including those that use residual or low-value biomass. NanoTerraTech Advanced Materials Inc. technology aligns with several strategic objectives of the Province including increasing forest biomass utilization, production of higher value forest bioproducts and supporting the transition to a low carbon economy in BC.
The development of advanced carbon materials services a significant gap in existing supply chains. These advanced carbon materials are forecast to become increasingly important in the future and there are currently very few sources in North America. FOR is very supportive of efforts to create higher value, renewable products, especially from residual, unconventional wood fibre streams to help drive diversification of the forest sector into sustainable markets. Given that the project is well aligned with provincial objectives and fulfils multiple mandate commitments, IBIO intends to continue supporting this work into the future.
Non Profits and Charities
We’re excited to partner with Tree Canada in their tree planting initiative. We strongly align with this environmental cause and understand the need for reforestation. We have set up a fundraising page as an additional effort to support this organization in their mission.
Land Acknowledgement
We would like to acknowledge that we work, live and play on the unceded territories of the Coast Salish Peoples of the Snaw-naw-as First Nation (Nanoose)